Monday, March 16, 2009

Hacker & Leet & Google

(, June 8th, 2006)

You may ask me what this title means? Why these three terms? What kind of relationship between them?

The first two terms on wikipedia are here: Hacker, Leet.

kuangfeng had introduced ‘Leethere. I extract below.

「M4k3 Y0ur |-|0m3p463!」、「女口果人爾能看日月白這段言舌」,大家能看懂這兩句話嗎?這就是Leet語言的一種體現。

Leet又叫Eleet, leetspeak, leetspeek, l33t, 31337, or 1337,有興趣的可以看看Leet在維基百禾斗上的解釋。在國內似乎還沒有見到leet的解說,只有在魔獸世界裡偶爾有提到leet。

Leet或elite,最初來源於31337 “eleet”。 據說當初一個黑客組織Dead Cow Cult使用Back Orifice連接WIN95時經常使用的一個UDP端口是31337,它對應的形象英文為「eleet」,eleet與elite同音,elite代表 精英、高手之意,在BBS和網絡遊戲中經常可以見到elite或leet這樣的文字就是這個意思。


If you want to know ‘Leet‘ rules well, please see here. It helps me a lot.

So, I think Leet is a kinds of hacker’ culture, but how about Google? Google have already support Leet search engine, called Google H4×0r. It’s interesting that if you talk with Leet in order to hide some sensitive informations, you *MAY* be dug out by Google H4×0r. :’(

Finally, if you are surfing with Firefox, there has a extension about Leet, named Leet Key. If you never use Firefox, you can use leet application (here) or online leet translator.

Excuse me for my poor English. I beg your revise.

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